Get valuable market information of different areas

Site Analysis brings information of a place in different angles, this makes a real difference at any commercial strategy planning, because each site is unique in terms of its market conditions and characteristics.

Location aspects for developing any Site Analysis are mainly described as accessibility to a place, market data, points of interest, its surroundings and driving times (Car, Walking or Bus). These terms are considered in a detailed way for achieving a better understanding of what is there. The most popular ways to perform Site Analysis are: Rings, Driving time Isochrones & Customized trade areas.

Trade Areas

Normally a Branch Network interacts and rebuilds its behavior according to proprietary trade areas defined by end customers.


Regular Trade Area Shape Analysis, as circled areas with three concentric rings where you can see the influenced area, starting from a certain point or coordinates.

Driving Times | Isochrones

The pinnacle of any Site Analysis is the possibility for doing driving time isochrones according to accessibility using a car, bus or walking.

Marketing Reports

Get valuable info performing Rings, Driving Times and Trade Area Analysis on Digital Maps, create complete reports with essential Market Data like:

»  Socio Geo Demographics

»  Socio Economic Strata SES

»  Purchasing Power

»  Land Characteristics

Points of Sale | Branch Analysis

»  Cannibalism Analysis

»  Math Branch Analysis: Add, Move, Eliminate

»  Car, Bus, Pedestrian Accessibility

»  Trade Area Related POIs

»  Inertial POIs

Different Alternatives

Site analysis is normally used for different purposes but the ones requested the most are: Opening a new branch, network branch optimization, branch relocation, branch closing and competitor’s branch analysis.

As a value added feature of this powerful technology, it includes the possibility of branch customer segmentation. This is a useful strategy for any business that understands that 70 % of customers are always located in a 15 minute driving time radius around any point of sale/branch.

When can you use site analysis?

At Geobis, we do have different alternatives for doing Site Analysis:

  • The most popular and requested ways are the services in which our experienced team delivers all the detailed reports and maps right to your fingertips.
  • At the same time, there is the option of doing Site Analysis independently using our new Business Intelligence Platform MapSimplicity Software.
  • Some customers require us to drill down into more detailed and robust studies and in these special cases we offer customized Consulting services.
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