What is there? Answering this important question is critical, because each site is unique in terms of its market characteristics. Site Analysis brings information of a place in different angles. This makes a real difference at any commercial strategy planning.
Preparing a strategy in order to identify the areas with the greatest market potential and knowing how far to penetrate with your sales team is imperative for any business. Geobis International understands this and knows how to efficiently cover these areas.
It is important to locate customers geographically. Locating customers is only the very beginning, displaying their location on a map allows you to understand and analyze their behavior and relationships with sales, marketing and territories of influence.
Locate your information over a map doing Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding. Use your native customer databases and connect to a professional cloud engine GeDots with : Servers, PCs, Tablets or Smart Phones.
Worldwide Digital Maps and Detailed Socio Geo Demographics by Country, Region, Block Level, Major Cities and Populated Areas. Available in different formats: KML, Google Earth, Oracle Spatial, ESRI(SHP), Mapinfo(Tab) and others.
Geographic Business Intelligence Consulting Services in the folowing fields: Market Analysis, Site Analysis, Profiling, Decision Making, GIS, Digital Maps, Socio Geodemographics and Geocoding.
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Geobis International

MapSimplicity is the platform that will help you to improve decision making with Geographic Business Intelligence.