
Find detailed information about Market and Companies, data geographically located, for a better understanding of potential customers. Companies can get updated information about: Age, Sex, SocioEconomic Strata, monthy income, householders and families, between others. More information.


National censuses count populations by measuring where people sleep rather than where they work or travel. Day Time Population represents day time movements and collective travel habits into a single measure during an average day.


Geobis offers a set of appropriate  alternatives in a few steps to understand issues associated with the geographical location of customers and relations of great importance that these saved with the socioeconomic enviroment.


Purchasing Power for all families living in different countries throughout of the region of the Americas and The Caribbean, this data is available at different levels such as: Country, State, Parish, Municipality, City, Neighborhood and Block.


Thematic maps with market Information, get vauable insights from clients and potential clients. Now you can transform market data in to colorful maps, to get a clearly vision of your business progress and future opportunities. More information.

available variables

»  Socio Economic Strata
»  Monthly Family Income In US Currency
»  Total Number of Houses
»  Total Number of Householders
»  Total Population
»  Food
»  Cleaning Materials
»  Personal Care
»  Sumptuous Expenses
»  Rent – Mortgage
»  Renovation and Construction
»  Public Services
»  Health
»  Education
»  Transport
»  Entertainment
»  Cable TV

»  Communications
»  Computer Equipment and Internet
»  Drinks
»  Debit Card
»  Credit Card
»  Clothing
»  Cultural Activities
»  Newspapers and Magazines
»  Books
»  Financial Obligations
»  Savings and Investment
»  Thematic Maps
»  Custom Reports
»  Scoring Summary Maps
»  Customer Strategies
»  Market Analytics
»  Network Optimization
»  Product Kick-off
»  Online Platforms * MapSimplicity
»  Smart Phones & Tablet Applications

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